Learn abkhazian

Lesson 9

Continuation of the alphabet: new letters and sounds Ҕ ҔЬ ҔӘ
Work with vocabulary

The sound Ҕ is a little reminiscent of the southern Russian Г. The soft variation is ҔЬ, and the rounded variation is ҔӘ.

ҕ ҕь ҕә

Remember these words and expressions!

аҕба boat. А'ҕба (и)аа'ит. The boat has arrived.
а'иҕьра (е'иҕьра) better. Ари' е'иҕьуп. It's better.
а'иҕьхара (е'иҕьхара) to get better. Ари' е'иҕьхеит. It's (gotten) better.
абҕьы' leaf
абҕьы'ц diminutive of абҕьы.
а'ҕәҕәа strong. Иара' дыҕәҕәо'уп. He's strong.
иҕәҕәаны strongly. Аҧша' (и)ҕәҕәаны' (и)а'суеит. The wind blows strongly.
аҭы'нч quiet, peaceful, calm. Амшы'н иахьа' иҭы'нчуп. The sea is calm today.
аба'р here, there. Аба'р амшы'н Here's the sea / There's the sea.
агәабзи'ара health
иацы' / ецы' yesterday

Remember that the inanimate class indicator и(а) disappears in a few places. In such situations we will show it as an optional element in brackets. For example: (и)ааит; (и)ҕәҕәаны; (и)асуеит.

Read the text.

We recommend that you learn all the text and expressions by heart. It will help you to quickly learn enough ready expressions for an active vocabulary.

- Сара' иахьа' Ҕәа'да сцо'ит. Уара' уаба'цои?
- Сара' Ҧсо'у сца'роуп. Асҭа'нда Абҕархы'қә дцо'ит.
- Уара' уанба'цои?
- Иахьа' сца'роуп. Иацы' аҧша ҕәҕәа а'суан. Иахьа' амшы'н ҭы'нчуп, ҕбала' сцо'ит.
- Аба'р, у'ҕба аа'ит, уццакы'!

- I'm going to Gwada today. And where are you (a man) going?
- I have to go to Psoy. Astanda is going to Abgarkhika.
- When are you going?
- I have to go today. Yesterday was strong wind. Today the sea is calm, I am going by boat.
- Look, your boat has arrived, run!

Exercise 1
Translate into English.

1. Сара иахьа ақалақь ахь сцоит.
2. Кама ақыҭахь дцароуп.
3. Бабаццакуеи?
4. Амашьына аауеит, сашьа ашкол ахь сигоит.
5. Иара дыҕәҕәоуп.
6. Иахьа амш бзиоуп.
7. Амшын ҭынчуп.
8. Ахра данбацеи?
9. Иахьа, ҕбала дцеит.
10. Аҧша ҕәҕәаны иасуеит, ахьҭа сакит.
11. Наала, исыҭ абҕьыц цқьақәа.

Exercise 2
Translate into Abkhazian.

1. The boat arrived today.
2. When are you going into town?
3. I must go today.
4. Yesterday was strong wind.
5. Today the sea is calm.
6. Where is Naala hurrying to?
7. She is hurrying to work.
8. When did you arrive?
9. Yesterday. I came by boat.

Exercise 3
Make sentences from the following words. In case of difficulties, you can always look at the answers!

1. уара, ацара, ианба.
2. лара, аусура, ахь, аццакра.
3. Кама, сла, агара, иацы.
4. иаба, абара, сашьа, уара.
5. ацара, ианба, уара, амшын ахь.
6. амашьына, аара, иахьа.
7. машьынала, сашьа, иацы, аара.
8. асра, аҧша, иахьа, аҕәҕәа.

Exercise 4
In this lesson are a lot of useful words and expressions. Can you make dialog(s) using them?
Maybe these ideas can help:

1. Today is a nice day. Yesterday it was windy.
2. You're in a hurry. You brother comes, he takes you to school or work.

Exercise 5
Make a phrase by adding one or more words to the base.

Example: аҕба... -> аҕба ааит; абар... -> абар аҕба; ацара... -> ҕбала сцоит.

аҕәҕәа-> аҭынч->
иацы-> ацара->
абар-> аҧша->
ақыҭа-> аццакра->
амш-> агара->

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